waiting time with new real state company and conclusions

we had to wait until the night of Friday 14/ November to get our previous real state to transfer the listing to Jason Cianflone company and wait for MLS to update our listing to be official. By Saturday 15/ November we got a call at 10 am from Jason himself saying we...

possession date in hold

we’re waiting a meeting to take place today and than I can share a very bad or hopeful news. =========== months came by…. Jan/07/2015: Here is what happened that day, to explain this post from Months ago. On November 12 we went to a meeting with Jason...

Bridgwater Lakes

Bridgwater Lakes was a area that I didn’t know,  when I was first pregnant with son  Kevin, we went to a friend’s house, another acupuncturist like me,  in Bridgwater Forest and I remember her house, very large bungalow with a view to the lake. But once...

Roasted Potatoes

Get 5 medium potatoes, leave the skin on, than boil it with one table spoon of sea salt until is one level before get soft, leave the potatoes to rest 10 minutes and cool down a bit. That get 7 cloves of garlic and smash it, cut fresh rosemary in small pieces ( 2...