Priscilla’s Cooking BLOG


When we got to the house, surprise… a lock on the door… We had to go to A&S office and get the key. When you plan your laundry room make sure you don’t put it below your main electrical box :). Had to move the laundry to the other wall and send...

Shingles / Windows / Doors / Electrical

Last week we were busy with Jimmy 1st Birthday Party and we just went once to see the construction. When we arrive this week was a good surprise… Lots of thing were done. [juicebox gallery_id=”10″]
Tarte Tatin – Apple pie (upside down)

Tarte Tatin – Apple pie (upside down)

Ingredients 10 small apples 125 g sugar ½ cup maple syrurp ground cinnamon lemon zest 1 tsp salt 125 g unsalted butter 1 vanilla beans 1 lime juice 1 pk puff pastry   Directions 1. Peel the apples and cut in half. Let it rest in water with lime juice. To do not...


Framing almost done, Kevin was very excited to see his new house getting shape 🙂 [juicebox gallery_id=”8″]